Co-Curricular Activities

Locke and Key Society.  If you share the view that “democracy is not a spectator sport,” you will want to join Locke and Key Society, the non-partisan campus club for students interested in politics and public affairs.  Open to students from all majors, Locke and Key Society organizes and hosts public discussions of current events, politically-themed films, 还有social活动.

two students participate in a Locke and Key Society event

模拟联合国.  If you’re attracted to the idea of learning by doing, while traveling and meeting students from colleges and universities all over the world, make a point of joining Model UN.  Model UN members participate in annual, international conferences that simulate the politics and processes of the United Nations.  Explore international problems, and problem-solving, through a framework of global citizenship. 

students participate in the Model UN

Sigma.  What do you suppose you could have in common with Phyllis Schlafly AND Bill Clinton?  Both are members of Sigma, the only national honor society for students of 政治科学.  As a junior or senior with a GPA of 3.3 or higher, you can join 体育菠菜大平台’s chapter of this elite academic association.  Sigma’s national organization hosts an annual undergraduate research conference, awards prizes for high-quality undergraduate papers and scholarships for graduate study. 

image of the Sigma logo

实习.  Want to spend some time in the “real world”?  政治科学 internships allow you to connect your classroom-acquired knowledge to potential professional fields.  Opportunities exist in law firms, 地方政府, legislative offices in Nebraska and on Capitol Hill, 法院, non-profit advocacy groups, 和更多的.  Explore career options, make valuable contacts, and earn academic credit while putting your knowledge and skills to work.

left- a student points at a map and talks, right - a woman writes on a legal pad during a meeting

本科 Research.  Is there some aspect of politics or public policy that you can’t ever learn enough about?  The Department of 政治科学 has been a leader in developing 体育菠菜大平台’s storied undergraduate research program.  Partner with a professor to design, carry out and present a project, solely because it satisfies your own curiosity.  High-quality projects are eligible for funding through a number of University-supported undergraduate research programs.

left - a man and a woman, 都戴着口罩, sit behind a table at a convention, right - a group poses for a photo at a convention